Achieve Your Goals
"Let Food Be Thy Medicine.." -Hippocrates
Patti Moon, RD, CDE, CSSD is a Registered Dietitian, Certified Diabetes Educator (CDE), and Board Certified in Sports Dietetics. She specializes in Metabolic Analytics, a body composition program, first created by Charles Poliquin, one of the most successful strength coaches around. Understanding hormones and the body's physiological reaction to various foods is the key to optimal health and wellness. This applies to all people, not just competitive athletes. Helping people going through hormonal changes (ie: Menopause, weight gain from stress, etc.) is one of Patt's greatest passions as she has gone through this herself. Patti uses a creative, dynamic, and realistic approach to healthy eating, as well as an extensive range of industry experience, Patti helps clients achieve all their nutrition goals — the healthy way, one that yield long-term results.
Your Expert Nutrition Coach
Knowing what to do to achieve a fitness/health goal is one thing; doing it is another. I understand that first hand.
Below (left) is a picture of me in late 20's when I weighed over 230lb, despite working out 4-5x week. I tried quick fixes like meal packaged plans, fad diets, fasting, counting calories, etc. Every time I would lose weight, I'd gain it back and then some. I was miserable and thoughts of food and constantly dieting ruled my life. I always told myself "I'll start Monday." But Monday never came, and the scale kept going up and up. I eventually stopped weighing myself because I didn't like the number and was close to giving up. Finally at age 28 y.o. I hit bottom. None of my clothes fit and I was miserable. I then stumbled up a coach/mentor who created an eating plan that worked for me. I gave up dieting and listening to the "quick fix" promises offered on the internet once and for all.
Fastforward 18 years - at 46 y.o . and 18.5% body fat, 146lb (see pix on
right). All foods fit and I finally understood that consistency was the key to success. More importantly I don't "fight" food or obsess about food or exercise. I made peace with food and my body.
Achieving health goals takes WAY more time than people think it's going to take most of the time. This is a reason why people give up so quickly. Having a coach helped me keep on track, see positive changes when I could not and achieve my dreams. My goal is to give to my clients what my mentor/coach gave to me. What are you waiting for?
I use my own experience to help others achieve their own goals. If I can do it, you can too.

The Guidance You Need
Patti is a Certified Diabetes Educator that offers over 15 years of "real" experience to help people with Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes achieve their personal health goals and feel better. She believes that all foods can fit and offers a compassionate, client-centered approach that helps people to achieve a long, healthy life. Whether you have been newly diagnosed or just need a boost to help re-motivate you to do the next best thing for your health, Patti can help. Get in touch today and start taking control of your life.

A Healthier You
Jumpstart your healthy habits today. Patti will carefully evaluate your current situation and formulate a personalized plan based on your specific needs. There is no "diet" and no "bad" foods. She will teach you how to eat in a way so that you increase your metabolism, balance your hormones and create the results you are looking for. So if you're looking to get lean, put on muscle, struggling with hormones/menopause weight gain or just feel better, schedule a session today.

More Energy, Better Results
Tired after your workouts? Can't finish that group ride without feeling horrible? Or are you looking to improve a time on your fave ride or race? Patti Moon is a Board Certified Sports Dietitian and certified in Stacy Simms, PhD course "Women are not small men" and "Menopause 2.0." Women are not small men, so why do we eat and train like them? Women's exercise and nutrition needs change monthly and peri/post menopause and there is a proven way to work WITH your physiology, not against it. Patti is an avid mountain biker and understands the demands of activities on (and off) the dirt and knowing when and what to eat/drink can be the difference between a good ride and a not-so-great ride. From the "weekend warrior" to the competitive athlete, Patti offers strategic tools and techniques to help clients achieve their fitness goals. After several personalized sessions (vs. pre-paid generic food plans off the internet), you’ll become well-versed at making the best food-related decisions for your health needs. Don’t wait to schedule your session today.

Your hormones dictate where you store your body fat. Patti uses a technique called metabolic analytics to determine where you are storing your fat and provides a nutrition plan specific for you to get your results. It's not the ole' "calories in, calories out" methodology. Patti teaches her clients how to eat to achieve optimal hormonal responses to achieve optimal fitness.
No one eating plan fits all...period.

"The will to win, the desire to succeed, the urge to reach your full potential... these are the keys that will unlock the door to personal excellence."